Today, Shep Smith, a 23-year veteran of FOX "News" abruptly resigned his position as one of the last real news anchors and journalists reporting the truth on that channel.
Smith, reportedly left, because he had seen enough. Smith tried every day to report the truth based on the facts, and the FOX "news" audience hated him for it. They would rather listen to the likes of Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, Mr. Judge Jeanine Pirro and Laura Ingraham (The real fake news No. 45).
The group I mentioned above might as well be working for North Korean state television, better known as Trump TV. They make up the news, leave key points out and when in doubt say things like "what about Clinton or Obama."
There is no liberal media conspiracy against you! You are the conspiracy. I am SOOOO tired of so-called conservatives playing the victim, or calling liberals godless, while at the same time voting for a man to lead the nation who has done enough to earn three seats in hell.
Lou Dobbs had the audacity to say that Donald Trump will gone down as one of the greatest Presidents ever. Are you kidding me old man? Does he earn that distinction for the Wall he has built, or the children he separated from their families at the border, or is it for the GENOCIDE he greenlighted in Syria. You don't need to take my word for it victims. Lindsey Graham is sponsoring a bill in Congress that will receive 98 votes in the Senate. 98!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Condemning this moron's actions.
I know how you feel Shep! You make the argument based on facts, and the low-information voter screams back at you, "fake news". It is like shoveling s*** against the tide. I, for one, Shep am glad you left. FOX "news" is a joke and you are better than that.
Smith was trying to stay on so some of the Fox audience could get a counter to the Dobbs and Pirro's of the world, and I sure he was hanging on because he loved FOX. After all he was one of the originals dating back to 1996. However, different ideas can not survive in the echo chamber of Fox "News" and thus leaving was the right call.
Here is wishing Shep Smith the best. He is a class act and great news man and JOURNALIST. I graduated from Journalism school, and know a good journalist when I see one.
When Shep is ready, I am sure he will have a job within minutes at any of the real news organizations. Shame on you FOX and Rupert Murdoch for allowing this channel to be commandeered by the Alt-Right.