The United States Senate recently acquitted Donald Trump despite admitting that he was guilty of what the House managers claimed. Any of you that are parents know that if a child has no consequences when they do something wrong, they will be emboldened in the future and act out worse. A child tests the bounds of what they can get away with, and then will push that boundary further and further. There is no bigger petulant child than Trump. The Senate acquitted him and he predictably is acting even worse.
I was shocked that Senators like Susan Collins, Lamar Alexander, and Marco Rubio all believed that somehow Trump being impeached by the U.S. House was actually going to reign in his behavior. In order to believe that they would have to have been asleep for the last four years. Because anyone who has been paying attention during that time knows that Donald Trump is incapable of learning.
Since being acquitted less than 2 weeks ago, Trump has fired those who testified against him, including Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman (purple heart recipient) and his own ambassador to the E.U. Gordon Sondland, and he has coerced Attorney General William Barr to impact a case that involves Trump's goon, Roger Stone. Stone was facing 7-9 years in federal prison, for among other things, ignoring a judge's order and threatening a witness, but Trump got Barr to change the guidelines.
I have believed since the beginning that Bill Barr is putting his thumb on the scale of the justice department, but this last act, which cause the four career prosecutors on the case to resign in protest, is reason enough for Barr to be removed from his post. He is looking to protect Trump's thugs and not putting justice first. It is time to remove this incredibly corrupt man.
Media outlets keep saying that Barr had a stellar reputation before joining Trump, but that simply is not true. During his time as AG during the George H.W. Bush administration, Barr did the same types of things, looking to shield the likes of Ollie North from prosecution. It is time to impeach Bill Barr.