Arizona GOP representative Paul Gosar, one of the founding members of the new American Fascist Party, posted an anime video to his Twitter account in which he is depicted killing his colleague in the House of Representatives, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and then turning his sword on President Joe Biden.
Gosar should immediately be removed from Congress because, let's face it, if you or I or anyone posted a tweet like this today, the U.S. Secret Service would be knocking on our door tomorrow. Make no mistake, what Gosar did is a crime. He encouraged violence against a sitting Congresswomen and the United States President.
Gosar, whose five siblings spoke out - and continue to speak out - against him being elected to Congress, has ties to white nationalists and has praised the domestic terrorists who attacked the Capitol on January 6, 2021. However, if you are waiting for the American Fascist Party leadership, formerly the GOP leadership, to do anything about this, don't hold your breath.
Let's be clear. This is the same authoritarian organization that kicked Liz Cheney out of her leadership role in the party for not going along with former President Donald Trump's big lie, and telling the truth about the election, but refuse to do anything about Gosar or Marjorie Taylor Greene.
This is part of an even more worrying trend in this country. Since November 3, 2020, members of the Trump cult, citizens who I presume at one point use to believe in democracy, have been calling elections officials, school board officials, elected officials, public health officials and threatening their lives and the lives of their wives and children for not going along with the big lie.As disgusting as this is, the even more worrying trend is that law enforcement seems inclined not to do anything about it. It was this failure to act, or failure to see these terrorists as a real threat, that allowed the cult to penetrate the U.S. Capitol building itself.
Now they seem to refusing, in general, to go after these people who continue to this day to commit these crimes. Threating to kill someone is a crime whether it is done over the phone or through a tweet like Gosar.
If you believe for a second that the threat posed by Trump and his brownshirts in Congress is over, you are sorely mistaken. In Virginia enough people who voted to oust Trump in 2020, voted in a Trumpist Cult member in Glen Younkin last week. THE THREAT IS NOT OVER.
If you love democracy and you want to continue to have a say in who your elected leaders are going forward, the only sane vote is for a Democrat or an Independent, until some semblance of the old GOP reemerges. As currently constituted, the conservative movement is nothing more than an authoritarian, anti-democracy movement who believes in minority rule.