Thursday, June 13, 2019

Flood the swamp

Donald Trump made a lot of promises during the 2016 election. Anyone who was paying attention at the time knew that he was lying to the American people repeatedly. Among the countless lies this charlatan told us was that he was going to "drain the swamp." This snake-oil-salesmen tested the phrase at a few rallies, and when his loyalists began chanting it with regularity, it stuck. Of course the idea that this felonious president was going to get rid of corruption in Washington D.C. is just laughable. He has had a number of hand-picked cabinet members resign due to scandal in just two years. The Trump crime syndicate makes the Teapot Dome Scandal of the Warren G. Harding administration of the early 1920s, look like romper room. The list of scandals is to long to enumerate in this blog post, but here are some of the headliners:

National Security Advisor - Michael Flynn, of lock-her-up fame, likely on his way to jail for lying to the everyone, but specifically the FBI.

Health and Human Services Secretary - Tom Price, spent over $1 million dollars of tax-payer money on private flights. Not to mention the fact that he used his position on House committee's to pick winners and losers in the stock market, and one of the winners was a company he had personally invested $15,000 in. Information Trump had before picking him to run HHS.

Price Scandal - USA Today

EPA Secretary - Scott Pruitt, multiple ethics scandals.

Pruitt Scandal

This brings us to the latest violator of law under the Trump Administration, Kellyanne Conway. Conway, advisor to the Liar-in-Chief, has repeatedly violated the Hatch Act according to the 17-page report issued by the Office of Special Counsel, who is a permanent independent federal investigate and prosecutorial agency charged with overseeing violations of the Hatch Act among others.

The US Office of Special Counsel, run by a Trump-appointed Republican, recommended in its 17-page report that Conway be fired for being a repeat offender of the Hatch Act.

The Hatch Act, passed in 1939, was designed to prevent people who worked in the executive branch of the government from getting involved in electoral politics, and Conway has repeatedly broken this law by criticizing candidates running for office, and using her position to influence voters. She even has mocked the Hatch Act by telling reporters, "let me know when the jail sentence begins"

Hatch Act

Of course, this White House, dripping with felons, came to Conway's defense today. It remains to be seen if the pressure on Conway will lead to her dismal or resignation, but if recent history is any indication, Trump will say something outlandish and the focus will move elsewhere, and the Conway controversy will be forgotten. BUT let's be clear, she broke the law, and this "drain the swamp" President will do nothing about it because this is his sycophant.

MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN - Remember when America was great and being run by criminals, who saw themselves as above the law.

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