Thursday, July 30, 2020

Down with Democracy?

There are 95 days until election day, NOVEMBER 3rd, and the biggest criminal ever to hold the office of the Presidency is now suggesting on his Twitter account that maybe we should delay the election? The answer to that idiot's suggestion is a resounding, NOOOOO!!!!

We have fought two World Wars, a Civil War and we have dealt with the Great Depression, and during all of it, we have held our scheduled elections without fail. Make no mistake, the current-occupant of the oval office is suggesting this because he believes he will be trounced in this election like "no one has ever seen before."

Besides suggesting that we delay the election, Dumbo Donald continues to question the validity of mail-in ballots. Mind you, he votes via mail-in ballot. He tells us that mail-in ballots lead to fraud, maybe we shouldn't count his mail-in ballot or that of his children or his staffers, who all vote via mail-in ballot. 

Five states already hold all of their elections completely by mail, long before the coronavirus pandemic, and so there is no reason that other states shouldn't offer mail-in ballots. Even Moscow Mitch McConnell and minority leader in the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy finally developed a back-bone to softly tell dear leader that they will not hold up the election. Congress and Congress alone, has the ability to delay an election and they have never exercised that option in American History.

Trump is already telling us that this election will be rigged because he can see the writing on the wall. Lets not lose sight of the fact that there are millions of people like me, who would crawl across hot coal and then walk a mile over broken glass bare foot in order to vote this sorry excuse for a president out.

Dumbo Donald made the same claims in 2016 that the election was rigged because he believed a loss to Hillary Clinton was imminent. For once we agree Donald. The 2016 election was indeed rigged. You and your Russian comrades and their bots insured that the American public was force fed a litany of misinformation which led to your slight electoral victory. REMEMBER DON, you did not win the popular vote!!! 

Since your election in 2016, the American public has spoke out time and time again against you. In 2017, your party suffered defeats in Virginia and North Carolina, A Democrat was elected to the Senate in Alabama. That's right Alabama! And that win came over your hand-picked rapist that your endorsed. Then in 2018, the Republican Party, who sold its collective soul to a grifter and snake-oil salesman, paid mightily for its cowardice and treachery. It was the biggest turn out for a mid-term election in American history, and they turned out in droves to punish you Donald and your party for the caravans of immigrants. Where are those immigrants now? How long before he starts invoking that garbage again? 

Since the beginning I believed that a Republican who stood up to you would be rewarded at the ballot box because voters reward courage. However, we will never be able to test my theory because the Republican party has been in lock-step with your racist, bigoted agenda since the beginning. And as far as I am concerned, your party expressing their dismay to the media behind closed doors, is the ultimate act of cowardice. Stand up men and women of Congress and be leaders. That was what you were voted into office to do. Cowards!!!! Only one party has stood up to this monster and should be rewarded thusly.

Joe Biden, on his worst day ever, is a million times better man than Donald Trump!!! I have reservations about Biden's age, but I am also convinced that this good man will put the right people in place to stabilize the country, the economy and to finally begin seriously dealing with this pandemic. Donny, you can't deal with the economic crisis until you deal with the health crisis. FULL STOP.

Trump's 15 minutes are up. This cult leader needs to be voted out resoundingly. This needs to happen so that the forces on the right who might be sympathetic to Trumpism (Ignorance and Racism) will think twice before continuing this agenda beyond November 3rd. And worry not Donald, it will be November 3rd. America is sick of this tonic of division. It has nothing to do with mail-in ballots.       

Monday, July 27, 2020

Dereliction of Duty

The President who claims to be the ultimate tough guy and a staunch supporter of the U.S. military has none gone an entire month after learning of intelligence that Vladimir Putin's-led Russia was paying the Taliban to take out American and coalition forces in Afghanistan, and has done nothing.

Trump's cowardice in this matter rivals only his own cowardly avoidance of the draft in Vietnam. Dumbo Donald is clearly afraid to confront Putin in any way.

It started with Trump's complete subservience to the Russian dictator in Helsinki, Finland. There, in front of the entire world, Trump sided with this murderous former KGB agent about Russia's interference in the American election.

Clearly Putin and Russia attacked our election process in order to get Dumbo Donald elected President and it worked. In Helsinki, despite having evidence from 17 different U.S. intelligence agencies, Trump backed Putin.

Later, Trump withdrew U.S. troops from Syria, and left our Kurdish allies, who helped us fight terrorism in the region, to another dictator in Turkey. The Turkish leader, Erdogan, almost immediately began the ethnic cleansing of the Kurds and as our troops withdrew from Syria in shame, they were being pelted with fruit. We have become a laughing stock. 

The Republican Party is not without blame in this matter. Again, these hypocrites who spent my entire life attacking Russia and its dictatorial ways, now has nothing to say. The Party that criticized Obama for not being more forceful on Syria, allowed this President to withdraw our troops from Syria and leave our Kurdish allies to the whims of another murderous dictator.

More often than not during this administration, what use to be up, is down, and down is up. What I do know unequivocally is that this President and his administration have been a complete disaster when it comes to foreign policy. The world at first was laughing at us, but now they have stopped laughing, and instead they feel bad for America. I never though I would see the day.   

USA Today - Russia Bounty

Saturday, July 25, 2020


If you knew how I felt about most issues, you would think I would lean moderate Republican, but more often than not, I do not vote that way because the modern Republican Party is filled with hypocrites.

For one, the hard-right Republicans, which includes FOX News, say they believe in limited federal government, and whenever possible, the states should have the right to govern themselves. This holds true as long as they agree with what the state is doing. When the hypocrites on the right don't agree, then the federal government should intervene. 

Hard-line Republicans will say that Health care for all provided by the federal government, is to much government, but the Federal government telling women they can't have an abortion is ok.

They will also tell you that social programs (entitlements they call them) like Medicare and Social Security is Federal overreach, but sending in federal storm troopers into Portland is appropriate. So In fact, they want limited government as long as they agree. 

Federal Gestapo agents (otherwise known as Custom's and Border Patrol and DHS) have no jurisdiction in Portland, Oregon, or any other city in America. They have jurisdiction over federal buildings and Federal land, otherwise, they should get the f--- off my lawn!

If there are actually riots going on in Portland, that is the jurisdiction of the Portland Police Department. If DHS or CBP agents want to protect that federal court house in Portland, so be it, but that is it. That is their limited jurisdiction!

Samuel Adams and John Hancock and John Adams fought a war to repel a standing British army in the United States, so I will be damned if I see an American dictator direct Federal Agents against American Citizens.

Is it ok for Federal agents to beat and then pepper spray a Navy veteran? Is it ok for Federal agents to tear gas and arrest a group of moms? MOMS? Is it ok for Federal agents to tear gas the mayor of Portland and other protestors? The answer to all these questions is a RESOUNDING NO!!!

Navy veteran Chris David, 53-year-olds, had his arm broken by these thugs. Is this how we treat our veterans now in Trump's America? Cowardly Republican leaders say nothing. And acting DHS secretary Ken Cuccinelli, says everything is being done by the book. Are you kidding me Ken? How can you say that with a straight face? Customs and Border Patrol have no business in Portland. NONE. This can not be happening in American cities!!!


The Nazis also deployed storm troops and agents of the government to beat, arrest and kill dissidents. Unacceptable! And Chad Wolf, the head of Department of Homeland Security, who is not Senate approved, is a Trump goon and jack-booted thugs!

Someone I know and respect today said, "at some point the Feds need to step in." I respectfully and forcefully DISAGREE. Where is that line drawn, and more importantly who gets to draw that line? Is it Donald Trump? And if that is the case, how long will it be before he turns federal agents on his political enemies like his idol Vladimir Putin does in Russia. 

Remember Republicans don't like universal health care and call it socialism, well what is turning government agents on your own people - OH yeah Communism. HYPOCRITES!!!!!

I am done with these hypocrites who wrap themselves up in the flag and then violate everything that flag stands for. Any federal agent who moves in to my city, better be prepared for the same reception British Redcoats received.

God bless America and the U.S. Constitution, which to some of us still means something.