Monday, July 27, 2020

Dereliction of Duty

The President who claims to be the ultimate tough guy and a staunch supporter of the U.S. military has none gone an entire month after learning of intelligence that Vladimir Putin's-led Russia was paying the Taliban to take out American and coalition forces in Afghanistan, and has done nothing.

Trump's cowardice in this matter rivals only his own cowardly avoidance of the draft in Vietnam. Dumbo Donald is clearly afraid to confront Putin in any way.

It started with Trump's complete subservience to the Russian dictator in Helsinki, Finland. There, in front of the entire world, Trump sided with this murderous former KGB agent about Russia's interference in the American election.

Clearly Putin and Russia attacked our election process in order to get Dumbo Donald elected President and it worked. In Helsinki, despite having evidence from 17 different U.S. intelligence agencies, Trump backed Putin.

Later, Trump withdrew U.S. troops from Syria, and left our Kurdish allies, who helped us fight terrorism in the region, to another dictator in Turkey. The Turkish leader, Erdogan, almost immediately began the ethnic cleansing of the Kurds and as our troops withdrew from Syria in shame, they were being pelted with fruit. We have become a laughing stock. 

The Republican Party is not without blame in this matter. Again, these hypocrites who spent my entire life attacking Russia and its dictatorial ways, now has nothing to say. The Party that criticized Obama for not being more forceful on Syria, allowed this President to withdraw our troops from Syria and leave our Kurdish allies to the whims of another murderous dictator.

More often than not during this administration, what use to be up, is down, and down is up. What I do know unequivocally is that this President and his administration have been a complete disaster when it comes to foreign policy. The world at first was laughing at us, but now they have stopped laughing, and instead they feel bad for America. I never though I would see the day.   

USA Today - Russia Bounty

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