So the Dumbass-in-Chief, the vile monster of a man known as Donald J. Trump, decided to sign a series of executive orders related to the coronavirus pandemic. On the surface, this looks like a good thing, but in fact it is a stunt. Just like at every point in his life, the Trumpster is putting on a show for the low-information viewers, or in this case voters.
Before we get into the details of the executive orders, wasn't it Trump and his Republican storm troopers in Congress, who claimed for years that Obama took to many liberties with executive orders? YES IT WAS!!!!! Funny, but everything Trump has done with the exception of criminal justice reform and the godforsaken tax cut for the super rich, has come via executive orders.
Want to pollute the rivers? No problem we have an executive order for that. You want to deregulate the banks so we can rip off consumers again? We have an executive order for that. And so on and so on.
But let's get to today's abortion! His series of executive orders do the following, so he claims. 1. extends unemployment benefits, which he is cutting to $400 dollars per week, through the end of the year. But he wants the states, which are already broke from dealing with the pandemic, to cover 25% of the cost of these benefits. What this means is that states and local communities will be firing teachers, police officers and first responders. Oh wait, he will get the money needed to red states, but not blue ones. !@#$ him!
2. He wants to extend moratorium on evictions but not on mortgages. So I can't evict my tenant, but his banking friends can foreclose on my mortgage. !#$#$ him!!
3. Suspend college loan payments owed on federal loans. Even a dumb, blind, stupid, reckless, psycho squirrel can find a nut every once in a while.
4. Lastly, he decided in his own mind that he is going to suspend the payroll tax for anyone making under $100,000 but that doesn't mean you don't have to pay it. It just means you will pay it back at tax time. Both Republicans and Democrats oppose this, but of course, this lying, scum-sucking maggot said we will not have to pay it back if we vote his criminal ass back into office in November. I guess at that point the election would not be rigged???? @#$% him!!!!
Alright, not that I have thoroughly offended you with all my curse words, Let's get down to business. This fake President is again violating the Constitution of the United States. If this document has no meaning, than lets have Trump, Roger Stone and Michael Flynn piss on it and then light it on fire. The power of the purse, or the power tax lies in article 1 with Congress. This guy is deciding what to do with taxpayer money without consulting Congress.
I hate to be redundant, but TRUMP IS VIOLATING THE LAW AGAIN. He is violating the Constitution again. I've read about serial killers who violated the law less frequently. Are you kidding?
I would call on Congress to reign him on but that ship has sailed.
What can I say? Person, woman, man, camera, TV.
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