Saturday, October 30, 2021

Freedom for me, but not for you!!!!

So the cult members of the American Fascist Party (formerly the GOP), and the braindead victims of their propaganda campaign, continue to scream bloody murder about their freedom, but clearly have no idea what that really means. 

They have spent the pandemic crying about their freedom to not have to wear a mask in public places to save lives, and to not get vaccinated, which would help save their lives and the lives of others around them, and now they are spending their time prolonging the pandemic they claim to hate, and in some cases dying as a result. 

If that wasn't bad enough some of these people are now protesting at schools, schoolboard meetings, and refusing to grant the people who choose to mask their kids, the same freedom they want for themselves, and beyond that some are actually physically attacking students (other people's children).

These loser, brain-washed parents, are accosting other parents with claims that masking your child is "rape", yes rape, and "child abuse." These claims are so ignorant, it makes me fear for their children because these stupid people are raising them. 

They continued to claim that the responsible parents are traumatizing their own kids by making them wear masks. You know who is traumatizing the children? You are stupid! These halfwits screaming outlandish insanity at the responsible parents is what is traumatizing the children. NOT MASKS! 

What happened to freedom? Don't these parents get to mask their kids if they want to? And who the hell are these Qanon, Trump-conned morons to take away their freedoms and tell them how to parent?

This is how things have worked on planet earth in America for the last 70-100 years or so. If you want to send your kid to public school, your kids need to be vaccinated. If you don't want to comply by the rules of society, then don't send your kid to public school. Send them to private school. If you can not afford it, then home-school your soon-to-be damaged children. And they will be damaged not because of mask mandates, but because you were their teacher.

If we did not have vaccine mandates in schools, tuberculosis, measles, mumps, rubella, smallpox, and yellow fever would be running wild in our schools, and children would be dying at alarming rates. Maybe that's what these so-called staunch pro-lifers want, for kids to die in large numbers. Doesn't sound so prolife to me.

The people who scream the loudest about freedom are the first to try and restrict the rights of others. If  you are a true lover of freedom and democracy, you must vote out the politicians who have enabled these Fascist Party soldiers who are trying to impose their will on others despite being the minority.

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