Friday, February 4, 2022

13 months late

On the same day that the Republican National Committee (RNC) censured GOP representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinsinger for honoring their oath to the U.S. Constitution, former Republican Vice President Mike Pence said that the former President of the United States "was wrong" about Pence's power on January 6, 2021 to overturn the election.

Pence said a number of important things in his speech before the Federalist Society, a conservative organization, including comments like "the truth is there is more at stake than our party or political fortunes ... if we lose faith in the Constitution, we won't just lose elections, we will lose our country."

I couldn't agree more with Pence's sentiments now, but the question begs, what took him so long to come to this realization? I guess a mob of Republican terrorists storming the U.S. Capitol looking to hang him for treason was not enough. I guess that same mob maiming and beating police officers with flag poles, bats, and fire extinguishers was not enough. I guess the months of watching Donald Trump lie about the election and put our democracy in the greatest peril it has seen since the 1860's was not enough. So again, I ask, why the come to Jesus now?  

Pence is not alone in his failure or cowardice. Most Republicans walk around with a pocket constitution not because they believe in what is delineated in the document, but because they can use it as a political prop. Despite always having it on them, they seem to have forgotten what's written in it for the last five years. In truth, what Pence said today is what every single Republican should have said on November 8, the day after the election was officially declared for current President Joe Biden.

If Republicans had all spoken up for democracy on November 8, 2020, they could have moved beyond the despicable human being who has tried to, and is still trying to this day, to rip the country apart along racial, cultural and party lines. The GOP did NOT do that. Instead, they placated the former Wanna-Be dictator in the White House and let the lie about the election being stolen simmer and eventually boil over on January 6 with violence.

Now these same elected goons that make up the current Republican/American Fascist Party, are trying to pretend that Jan. 6 didn't happen, or that it was not that bad, or it was antifa dressed as Trump supporters. THESE are all lies. And even today, when Pence said some of the right things, he couldn't help himself, and said he was concerned with "some of the irregularities during the election. LIAR. That is Pence still trying to play both sides of the political fence. 

One can't help but struggle to understand these sycophants. If Donald Trump had done nothing while a mob that he revved up and inspired to come after me and threatened to kill me, I would have called him out for what he is, a despicable man, and I would have shouted it from every roof top and even Fox News, OANN, and Newsmax, so even the most uninformed of the uninformed voters heard the truth. BUT NO. Instead, they carry the water and lie for this lifelong loser. 

The reality is that Trumpism is a sickness. It is the kind of sickness associated only with people who have been brainwashed in cults. You will never get some people to return to reality. That is just a fact of the people we lose to cults. But the Republican politicians, for the most part, don't like, or believe in, Trump. Believe it or not, they want to get away from this loser as much as the rest of us. But for some reason, they can't find the inner strength to quit this cult. Maybe it is the naked, craven desire for absolute power.

This means that the responsibility is ours. These Republican cowards, that make up the bulk of Congress, follow Trump because they are afraid of losing their seats in Congress to someone on the far right. The only way to break the Trump fever is to defeat the Republican/ American Fascist Party over and over at the ballot box.

In what is likely to be the most significant midterm election in history, you need to understand that a vote for a Republican is not a vote for lower taxes and conservative values, but instead a vote for authoritarianism, dictatorship and the end of free elections. THAT'S CORRECT! If you vote Republicans into the majority in 2022, the 220-year experiment into American democracy is over. 

MARK MY WORDS. Get informed and get out and vote. There is no more consequential vote you will ever take than this one in 2022.

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