Getting detained is usually enough to ruin anyone's week, but for North Carolina representative Madison Cawthorne, that was not enough. The so-called law-abiding Cawthorne from the so-called law-and-order party was charged for the second time with driving with a revoked license, but that was probably the highlight of his week.
The 12-year-old looking anti-American and anti-democracy representative, also called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy a "thug" and the Ukraine government "incredibly corrupt and incredibly evil and pushing woke ideologies" at a townhall meeting in his district.
Let's break down these statements:First Cawthorne calls Zelenskyy a "thug" when the real murderous thug, Vladimir Putin, is sitting in the Kremlin. UKRAINE did not invade Russia, but it is the other way around wonder boy. It is Putin who is indiscriminately attacking civilian targets and trying to destroy nuclear reactors and is currently targeting women, children and the elderly in hospitals.
I'm not sure when the American Fascist Party, formerly the GOP, decided that supporting a dictatorial regime was the way to go, but that is the new Republican/Fascist Party stance. Zelenskyy has been praised worldwide, and by this blogger as well, for standing up to a disgusting murderous former KGB agent and the so-called superior Russian military and not running away like many leaders would have done in a similar situation. However, Cawthorne appears to be rooting for Putin like his propaganda minister Tucker Carlson told him too.
Second, Cawthorne calls Ukraine "corrupt" and "evil". Really? Why is it that you consider Ukraine evil? Is it because they did not support the dictator you tried to force on the United States? Is it because Zelenskyy did not go along with supporting the "big lie" or make up fake dirt of Joe Biden that Cawthorne considers Ukraine corrupt and evil?
Another so-called God-fearing Christain supporting a murderer (Putin) who is killing women and children for no reason at all. That must be part of the pro-life hypocrisy. Just like his pro-gun stance in all situations, is opposed to his so-called pro-life agenda.
And finally, when you say something incredibly stupid and disgusting the way Cawthorne did here, you just throw in the words "woke ideologies" to get the dumbest among us all in a lather about how much they hate the other half of the country.
Cawthorne only won his district by 8 points. He is not in a ruby red, gerrymandered district, so he better watch out. There are several Republicans challenging this head of the young Fascist movement in North Carolina, and if North Carolinians are paying attention, they would remove this dingbat, whose wife could only last a whopping eight months around this hypocrite.
Of course, when the American free press came to his meet and greet event, this inept young fascist, who thinks he is above the law, exited the event through the back without explaining his comments, or how he could call Zelensky a thug, but support an authoritarian and wannabe dictator like Trump here at home.
It is a must that in this most critical of off-year elections for American democracy, that outright criminals like Mr. Cawthorne, Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ), and brain-dead dummies like Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) are removed from government. Do your part by voting out these feckless anti-American cowards who would rather support a murderous dictator in Russia than an American President from another party.
VOTE BLUE!!!!! Our democratic way of life and the future of the U.S. Constitution depends on it!