Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Just as grimy as we thought

Within days of Rep. Lauren Boebert (Fascist from Colorado) taking office, this blogger posted a detailed write up of what we would have to contend with for the next two years. Her behavior over the last week, has confirmed that Mrs. Boebert is just as slimy and disgusting as we thought. 

Boebert started the week by claiming that the clearing of truckers in Canada from Ottawa was comparable to the tyranny that Ukrainians are suffering at the hands of Vladmir Putin. There is no other word for this other than DISGUSTING!

First those truckers in Canada were only hurting themselves and their economy by shutting down the streets. Imagine I was mad at something someone did, and to make my point I chop off my own hand and show it to that person and tell them "look what you made me do." Who really is being hurt by this act of stupidity? It is not surprising that Boebert supports an act of stupidity, but to compare that to an unprovoked attack by a murderous Vladmir Putin to the removal of truckers, who are illegally block the streets, is even too stupid for Boebert.

Boebert compares Canadian Truckers to Ukraine

However, Boebert was not done. During President Joe Biden's State of the Union address last night, Boebert joined her idiotic compatriot Margerie Taylor Greene in heckling the President of the United States, like maybe 10-year-olds might.

When he was speaking of the sacrifice of U.S. service members, including his late son, Boebert yelled out how he put 13 soldiers in flag-draped coffins. She was met with boos from the other members of Congress before mouthing the words, "piece of shit" in reference to the President. Maybe she was thinking of the last guy who held the office.  

How is the view from the cheap seats Mrs. Boebert? Is it easy to talk shit when you have never had to vote to send troops into action in a foreign theater, or had to meet those flag-draped coffins yourself?

This women has literally done nothing but claim she is prolife, but wants everyone in the country to be armed to the teeth so they can kill their husbands, wives, neighbors, Democrats, etc.

Instead of proposing legislation, she spends her time making bigoted remarks about her colleagues in the House of Representatives. She loves finding Fox News, OANN, or Newsmax cameras so she can spew her hate and conspiracy theories, and I implore the good people of Colorado's 3rd district to vote her useless, hypocritical ass out of office. 

If Colorado-3 is your district, you can put someone in office who might actually getting something done for your district by electing Alex Walker. The 31-year-old Walker was brought up in a Republican household, but later became a moderate Democrat when the Republicans migrated more towards fascism and authoritarianism - my words, not his.

"The quote-unquote role models that we have in Congress are despicable, and I think we need to look no further than last night's state of the Union," Walker said in reference to Boebert's heckling when speaking to the Pueblo Chieftain.

Walker's ad, while a little difficult to watch, certainly makes its point. He is just one of nine people currently running to unseat Boebert.   

If you would like a little more background on Walker and his true conservative economic policies and more liberal ideas on human rights and voting rights, read the Pueblo Chieftain profile below. 

Walker for Colorado-3 

One thing is for sure, if you love our country and truly love democracy here in the United States and around the world, Boebert - the head of the Young Q Society in Congress, must go!

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