Thursday, May 5, 2022

Who is pro-grooming now?

It appears, based on a leaked opinion written by the United States Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, that Roe v. Wade (1973) is about to be overturned by the Trump/McConnell SCOTUS.   

Let's start by stating unequivocally that at least 3 members of the United States Supreme Court, the one's appointed by Trump and rushed through by McConnell, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, are guilty of Perjury.

They lied under oath to members of the Senate to secure the votes for their nomination to a lifetime appoint and then did the exact opposite of what they said they would not do which is overturn Roe v. Wade. 

But we might as well forget the fact that they will be held accountable for their lies because no one in the modern American Fascist Party, formerly the GOP, is being held accountable for their crimes, big or small.

Let's instead just focus on what these criminals are about to do to the law of the land for the last 49 years, which has been reaffirmed by the US Supreme Court multiple times since 1973.

When they overturn Roe v. Wade, at least 29 state legislatures will pass laws making abortions illegal. They will feed you BS in all these states currently run by the American Fascist Party such as: 'we are not completely banning abortion, but you have 6 weeks to have an abortion, or we are going to end rape, but it's simply pure LIES, LIES, LIES.

The six-week window that some states are going to provide as their horseshit excuse as to why they are not fully banning abortion, is laughable. Most women do not even know they are pregnant six weeks into a pregnancy, so they might miss that window. A teenager, who is afraid to tell someone that they are pregnant, might also miss the window because in all likelihood they will drag their feet because of fear, especially if they can not approach their overly religious parents.

The next problem is that almost all of these states will make NO EXCEPTIONS for rape or incest. Simply put, this is insane. In some states in this country after this ruling goes through, rape victims will be required to carry their rapist's baby to term. But even more obscene than that is that incest victims will have to carry the baby of their rapist father or uncle to term. No trauma there I guess, huh? Who is pro-pedophile now?

Pure evil and power hungry, old men politicians like Governor Greg Abbott will tell you that he is now going to end rape in Texas.

There are two problems with Abbott's statement. First, you are not going to end rape. You may catch the perpetrator after the fact, but ending it is impossible. Secondly, his statement suggests that he could have ended rape before passing this gross bill in Texas, but instead chose not to end Rape. He might be even more certifiable than Marjorie Taylor Greene, and dumber than Trump. In both cases, not an easy task.

The other thing they will tell you is that they are prolife, but that is also a monumental lie. They are pro birth. That's it. They do not believe in any services to be provided for these children after they are born. Ask any so-called pro birth Republican Fascist if they believe in paid family leave, food stamps, health care for all children, prenatal care services, and they will say no. That's going to raise my taxes, so no I am not in favor of that. Given that reality, they are in no way prolife, simply pro birth.

Lastly what happened to the freedom argument. For the last two years I have heard about nothing else. I've heard crybaby, snowflake Republicans scream about why they should not be forced to wear a mask indoors during a world-wide pandemic that has killed over a million Americans, but making a child carry her rapist father's baby to term, that should be regulated by the government. NO MASKS, but trauma beyond understanding, the government should be able to force that.

This is so disturbing that I welcome all comments, because I am ready to take on all comers with insane arguments. Who will be the first to support people who commit incest? Who will be the first to defend rapists over rape victims?

This is exactly we have been talking about here for the last three to four years. Just because the orange monster has been thrust into the abyss, does not mean that the threat is gone. The extremists on the right have been arguing for this for decades. It pre-dates Trump by a lot. He just knew how to manipulate the dumbest among us. They even violated the U.S. Constitution in order to steal a US Supreme Court seat in order to make this happen. 

When Antonin Scalia died, Barrack Obama was entitled to replace him according to the Constitution, but again, Republicans only believe in the Constitution when it convenient for them, not when they are violating it. 

VOTE this collection of evil old men out. It is f****** long overdue! Vote blue in 2022! There is no choice. It might be your last free and fair election in America, if you do not.

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