A number of Republican Senators who allowed the child tax credit, which was part of the American Recovery Act passed by Democrats, to lapse have all of the sudden decided that the child tax credit is a good idea.
The moderate GOP senators have deduced that they can't ignore the women that they have turned into forced incubators without pretending to care, so they proposed the same child tax credit that they allowed to lapse in December of 2021.
Most people read a headline like this and assume Republicans are following through on helping families. LIE! Look at the proposal closely. The Republicans would give money to families but not to the lowest income families, AND here is the super important part they would eliminate all sorts of tax deductions that people currently receive at when they file their taxes, which would actually make the child credit null and void in some cases and be devastating to other folks with and without children in other cases.
Here are the two most important deductions that the Republican plan would eliminate. The person filing as Head of House, meaning families would lose this roughly $4,000 deduction, and while they might get $3,600 from the child tax credit. They would actually take a net loss for the year.
It gets much worse, they want to eliminate the state and local tax deduction, which means families that own a home, would now have to pay their water bill and local property tax, but then it would not count against their income at the end of the year. For most families, that would add about $5,200 to their tax bill when they file their income taxes.
This is a completely INSANE plan! I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. They are pro birth not pro-life. This is another prime example of how they stack the deck against families after the women is forced to have the child.
Don't be asking us for childcare assistance, money to feed your kids, for rental assistance, or health insurance for these new babies. You have given birth we are done here.
If you are looking for all the details associated with this new proposal being led by Mitt Romney and Richard Burr, read the article linked below. It provides a blow-by-disaster-blow of how this new proposal would actually derail millions of hard-working, home-owning families.
Details of GOP's disaster child tax credit expansion
P.S. Remember that Richard Burr was one of the senators for magically selling off his stocks just before the Covid pandemic started. He had inside information that he learned from his committee meetings.
They are who they are. They show us all the time. Don't make excuses for them. There is no excuse!
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