Friday, June 14, 2024

Time to relegate MAGA to the dustbin of history!

With the 2024 election only months away, it is time for people to do the right thing, and do what the cowardly Republican Party has failed to do time and time again, 

Every time these so-called leaders in the Republican/American Fascist Party were given the opportunity to end to this Trump-inspired American nightmare, they have failed. These so-called alphas, like Lindsey Graham, Moscow Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Bill Barr and others, keep breathing like into this MAGA cult - which they all HATE in order to preserve their own grip on power. 

All of these people, who have all called Doanld Trump a danger to the country, have decided to support this sick and twisted individual. Why are they doing it? According to them it is because the maniacs that now make up the Republican Cult voter, have chosen Trump as the Party nominee. 

Some like Barr and Nikki Haley have the audacity to claim that Joe Biden is actually a bigger threat. That makes it official. They are partisan hacks who are willing to say anything to maintain power. 

The reality is that Biden has never led an insurrection of domestic terrorists in an attempt to overthrow the nation's government. Biden has never been, nor has he said that he ever will be a dictator like Trump has claimed. 

No person has been a bigger threat to the constitution of the United States then Donald Trump, If Trump is re-elected, than we might as well piss on the constitution and set it on fire because that is what we will be doing by deliberately putting this man in power again. Remember, Hitler was elected. Vladimir Putin was elected. It can, and is, happening here. 

Haley might be the most disgusting of all. Trump called her birdbrain and derided her husband's military service. What kind of Stockholm Syndrome has engulfed this cult? No backbone of any kind.

As an intendent who has vote for both parties in the past, there is nothing left that Republicans believe in, that I can get behind. I have not voted for a Republican for any office since 2018 and will never vote Republican again. 

The only way to end this American nightmare is to vote for the only sane party left in this country for Congress, Senate, state-wide offices and for President in order to save our democracy from this cult!!!!  

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