"If we had confidence the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not," Mueller said.
I have long held the belief that deceitful Donald can not be impeached for the simple reason that this action would serve only to make this narcissistic liar a martyr. Previously I felt that the only way this current occupant of the oval office should be removed from his temporary lodgings was via a resounding defeat at the ballot box. I know what you are saying. Even if he is defeated in 2020, many of his supporters will claim that some deep state conspiracy rigged the 2020 election so that their megalomaniac couldn't win re-election. Of course none of that is true, but they will claim it, and I even heard a young woman at Justin Amash's townhall last night in his district claim that it would lead to civil war. This is what the crazy rambling of a privileged idiot leads to, a woman claiming that the removal of Donald Trump, a proven snake-oil salesmen, from office, for his litany of crimes, would result in civil war. Thanks Donald.
However, being a student of history, a lover of the Constitution and American democracy, I am starting to be pulled away from my entrenched no-impeachment position. If he can commit crimes with impunity, rebuff Congressional subpoenas and hire an Attorney General, Bill Barr, who already committed perjury in front of Congress, and get away with all of it, than we might as well use the Constitution as kindling. It has not meaning!!! What next? Is he just going to start defying the Supreme Court when they inevitably rule against him in case after case related to these congressional subpoenas. Watch out Neil Gorsuch and Brett "Bart" Kavanaugh. The President is just one bad ruling away from referring to you in a tweet as those nine-angry Democrats in the Supreme Court.
Something must be done about this pathological liar in the White House. I do not envy Democrats because they will be brutalized by this monster for even suggesting impeachment, but it's looking more and more like the only course of action. And to make matters worse, even if they do impeach him in the House of Representatives, finding 20-25 Republican Senators to remove him from office is a herculean task. It will never happen, because the cowards in the Senate with R's next to their names drank the cool aid by buckets. They are completely afraid of this man, and I am not sure why. After all he is a "moron" just ask Rex Tillerson - former Secretary of State for Donald Trump.
Given the cowardice of most Republicans when it comes to this matter, I must tip my cap to Justin Amash, a 39-year-old member of the House from Michigan, who decided to let the world know that he is in favor of impeaching Trump and let the political blow back fall where it may. Members of both parties could learn a great deal from this profile in courage. Amash said that after reading the Mueller report, which can be found at the bottom of this post in its redacted version, impeachment was the only answer. So I say to you, read the report, watch Mueller's explanation and give me your feedback on what the right course of action is.
Mueller report pdf