Thursday, May 23, 2019

Prime example of Congressional failures

Here is a perfect example of the gridlock that has completely engulfed D.C.

Since being elected as the majority in the House of Representatives in 2018, the Democrats have passed more than 130 pieces of legislation in just under 4 months. Now I want to make this CLEAR, not all of these measures are good bills, nor should they all become law, but there is no EXCUSE for MITCH McCONNELL - the Senate majority leader - to not take up any of these bills and debate them and send a Senate version to conference committee. Does the Senate plan on doing any work????

"Nobody came (to the Senate) for gridlock," said Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin). "Members do want to accomplish something."

"Senator McConnell describes himself as the Grim Reaper," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California). "The Senate is the Graveyard" for legislation.

McCONNELL only seems to be interested in pushing through young judges so that maybe new law never has to be passed again, and we can just have a country run completely by extreme justices from both sides, although in this case it's McCONNELL'S judges. 12 Votes were taken this week in the Senate and all of them were appointment votes, primarily for judges. Not a single vote was taken on any legislative matters.

Feel free to contact Mr. McConnell @
317 Russell Senate Office Building
office number 202-224-2541


What voters in this country need, and I have thought this since I was young, is a viable third party that would challenge the two existing parties, and force both Republicans and Democrats to center in order to form a governing majority. I thought we had a real chance at this when Ross Perot ran as a member of the Progressive Party, or when my neighboring state of Rhode Island was forced by the courts to recognize, however briefly, the Rhode Island Moderate Party. Alas, it was not to be. The rules that have been established, not surprisingly by the two existing parties, make it nearly impossible for a third party to get, and remain, on the ballot.

U.S. News and World Report article on the forced removal of the Moderate Party from RI ballots (2019)

Here is the link for the underlying article for this post:

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