Friday, November 15, 2019

End of DACA?

The Supreme Court heard arguments this week that could put an end to DACA (Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals) and some believe that the Trump and the GOP, who spent the last three years packing the courts and very little else, might even win this case. How Tragic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First of all, this would be a huge betrayal of these young people. When Barack Obama instituted this program through executive order in 2012, he and the United States government issued a call for these young people, who came here as children through no fault of their own, to come out of the shadows and in good faith register with the U.S. government and in return they could go to school and work and contribute to the system. The promise was that if they kept their nose clean, they would not be deported.

It must have been hard for these 790,000 youngsters to do that, but they did so assuming that the US government would honor its word. However, they could not have anticipated was that a lying sociopathy like Donald Trump would ever be elected by America's low-information voters - FOX viewers and Rush Limbaugh-listeners, and thus upend the program.

Let's face it, these young people did go to school and work and created businesses, and now some are employers themselves. Dreamers contribute $42 billion each year to GDP, contribute $1.7 billion in state taxes and $1.4 billion in federal taxes. If they were deported, you can eliminate that revenue and it would also cost remaining taxpayers $10 billion to remove them.

The Supreme Court, despite being tainted by Moscow Mitch McConnell, must do the right thing here, and if they fail to do so, Congress must pass legislation to protect these Dreamers, which 86 percent of Americans agree with. They are good for the country, as are most immigrants, and it would be a monumental betrayal to deport them. The Democrats in the House of Representatives have passed H.R. 6 which would protect the dreamers permanently, but McConnell failed to put it to a vote in the Senate.

I know I say this a lot these days, but I have never felt more ashamed of my country than I do right now. I ask the Supreme Court to please restore order to this Trump-infected and diseased land.

Watch the video below for some of the dreamers' stories

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