Thursday, November 28, 2019

Racists please apply here for a job at the White House

Here is a shocker, Stephen Miller - a senior advisor to the President - is a racist. I guess it is not that surprising given the fact that the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is a raging bigot himself. Why wouldn't he surround himself with an openly White Nationalists like Stephen Miller.

Open-minded people have always known Miller was a racist white nationalist, but additional proof has surfaced recently according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

In 2015, while working for Senator Jeff Sessions from Alabama, and in 2016, while working on the Trump Campaign, Miller exchanged over 900 emails with Breitbart "News" - an Alt-right website that traffics in conspiracies and hate. In these exchanges with Breitbart editor at the time, Katie McHugh, Miller encouraged Breitbart to use White Supremacist websites to draw from for their "news" coverage. Miller referenced popular White Nationalist websites, and books as his evidence as to why the OTHERS must be kept from coming to the United States.

Katie McHugh, who worked for Breitbart from 2014 to 2017, was fired by Breitbart and decided to renounce the alt right movement and released the emails to the Southern Poverty Law Center. 

SPLC article about Miller

Miller is the architect of the Trump policies at the border like the separation of children from their parents at the border as a deterrent to prevent future LEGAL asylum seekers from coming to the U.S. This racist has spent countless millions of dollars caging children at the border and their parents separately instead of allowing them to work here and contribute into the system until their asylum hearings. Beyond being wildly racist, this policy is fiscally stupid. Another example of a party that claims to be fiscally conservative, spending ungodly amounts of tax payer money recklessly.

Miller is not only trying to curb what he calls illegal immigration, but being a racist, he is also trying to curb legal immigration from countries he thinks undesirables come from. He wants to prevent all non-whites from coming to the United States, which by definition makes him a racist. He wants to prevent their admittance into the United States strictly based on the color of their skin and religious affiliation, which violates the U.S. Constitution in countless ways.

Miller further wants to violate all current existing immigration laws. For example he wants and has currently put an end to temporary protected status which was passed by George W. Bush. The Bush-era policy made it ok to give protective temporary status to people fleeing disasters like hurricanes or earthquakes. Miller and his puppet Dumb Donald most recently prevented Bahama refugees from coming to the United States after a hurricane devastated the islands - you know - because they are black. They also ended protective status for Haitian refugees who were here following the Haiti earthquake, you know because they are black, and on and on and on.  

The White House as usual has lied about this fiasco, and called the SPLC a smear organization when in fact they just provide statistics often provided by the FBI and other government organizations. The SPLC also fights hate, teaches tolerance, exposes hate groups and seeks justice for all people. Again, another example of the most dishonest White House in the history of America like no one has ever seen before - to steal a term from the current resident of 1600 resident at Pennsylvania Ave.

If you are a Trump voter and feeling like I am attacking you personally, don't. I do not believe all Trump voters are racists or bigots - although clearly some are - but you need to come to the realization that you voted for one, and that he brought all his bigoted friends with him to the White House. Make America Racist Again. Maybe we can put MARA on a hat and everyone can wear that for 2020 while we all goosestep through Washington D.C.

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