Friday, May 15, 2020


I am going to keep this as simple as possible for all the stupid people out there and by last count there is at least 63+ million of you in America. All around the country, moronic Trump Cult members are going out in public without masks and gathering in large groups and as a result people are getting sick with COVID-19!

So here is the simple truth:
- Covid is real and people are dying. As of this morning, 85,906 have died as a result of this disease! FACT!
- The "President" is a narcissistic sociopath who has no empathy. If he wasn't busy watching TV and tweeting, He'd be a serial killer. Oh Wait, he is responsible for nearly 86,000 deaths. He is serial killer!
- This poor excuse for a "human" wants to send the masses (the poor, working and middle class) back to work to make the 1 percent their billions. Hey Dumbo Donald, !@#$ you!
- At the same time, these wealthy financiers can go on FOX News and tell us to go back to work from behind the safety of their computer screens. I say to that - !@#$ them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the truth, the stupid Trump voters who refuse to believe that this is a real thing with real consequences are putting the rest of us in danger. If they want to die because they are reckless, that's their business. However, I have the right to life!!!!!

What these morons and their leader don't understand is that the longer they keep making people sick by not wearing masks, and by not recognizing the danger associated with this virus, the longer this economic downfall will continue and the longer this pandemic will extend.

I am working, and the dumbass Trump voters I work with refuse to wear masks. I am going in on Monday to tell my employer to enforce their own rules and make every person wear a mask. If they don't, they can pound sand because they will never see me in there until every employee is wearing a mask like their rules posted all over the workplace are followed.

I am sick and tired of trying to reason with the ignorant people who refuse to believe facts, and only believe conspiracy theories. I am done! I don't recognize this country anymore. There was a time in this country when a crisis like this would have galvanized the public to do the right thing for all us, and in this case that would mean staying at home and keeping people safe, but that's not Dumbo's America.

The only answer is to vote out this poor excuse for "human" in November and all his lemmings in the Republican Party. We must send a message in November that this bulll!@#$ will not be tolerated any more.

Serious times call for serious people and DUMBO DONALD and your cult members, your 4 years 15 minutes are up.

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