Saturday, November 7, 2020

Democracy is back

 After four years of hatred and division, the moment has finally arrived when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are now President and Vice-President elect of the United States.

If you needed more proof that democracy is back, all you need to do is look at all the well wishes coming from around the world to the United States and Joe Biden. If the world could have voted, this would have been a landslide and a half. Our allies in the last four years have been pushed away and dictators have been embraced. Given that fact, I am sure the world is breathing a sigh of relief just as most American citizens are.

When Biden and Harris are sworn in, the chaos ends and normalcy can return to the UNITED States of America. It will be so wonderful to wake up every day and not have to worry about what kind of bile will be spewed from Donald Trump's twitter account, and what racist remarks he will make, and what group (Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, women, LGBTQ community, and democrats in general) will be targeted by the current occupant of the White House. 

Not only is the United States a better place now that Trump is lame duck but so is the world. The voters have spoken and they have relegated this grotesque human being to the ash heap of history. Hopefully now, we can get back to being one country.

I'm not delusional. I know that many Trump supporters believe that we are now living in some type of Socialist state, but nothing could be further from the truth. People have made all sorts of claims to me today, that unemployment will rise, gas prices will rise, their jobs are in danger. All ridiculous claims. I challenge anyone to check back in four years and see if any of these claims actually materialized. Just because FOX News host say it, it doesn't mean it's true.   

In contrast, over the last 4 years we have all lived under a dictatorship. I can make that claim because even the President's own party was in fear of criticizing him. That only happens in dictatorships. Stalin, the former leader of the Soviet Union, purged his government and military on numerous occasions. Trump purged the U.S. Government of anyone who disagreed with him both in the military and in his Cabinet. No President has turned over more cabinet members than this President in only 4 years. 

Lets finally coming together and be Americans again. After 9-11 only one thing gave me hope and that was that the country felt so together and everyone said "never forget". Let us now not forget that we are all Americans first. 

God Bless America and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and all our global citizens. They have a serious and herculean task ahead of them.

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