Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The new American Fascist Party

Donald Trump fired tonight Department of Homeland Security official Chris Krebs because he didn't like the statement Krebs put out calling the 2020 election the safest elections in American History. Dumbo Donald didn't like that because it goes against the alternate reality that the conspiracy-in-chief is trying to create.

First, lets establish the fact that Krebs, the head of election cybersecurity, is right. These were the safest elections in American history. How do I know that? Because we had cameras in the counting rooms watching people count votes. To my knowledge we have never had to do that before, but we have also never had a President who actively seeks to destroy the bedrock of our democracy - the vote. 

Don the Con spent the last six months proclaiming that the elections would be rigged and that the only way he could lose was if the election was some how stolen from him. The fact of the matter is that he lost because he is a fascist dictator and in America we depose dictators - Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Muammar Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, etc. We do not reward fascists, we vote them out. 

America has always fought against dictatorial regimes, and that fight had always been led by the neo-conservative wing of the Republican Party, but not anymore. The cowards that make up the current Republican/Fascist Party, have abdicated their voices as well as their genitals to Donald Trump. I had hoped that once Dumbo was removed in a freely-held election in what use to be the beacon of democracy - the United States - that the GOP would move past this regrettable era, and in unison show respect for the will of the voters, but they did just the opposite. 

Instead, the sniveling and whimpering cowards continue to serve as lapdogs to America's first fascist President! They are so beholden to this blow hard moron, that from this point forward, regardless of what they say in an attempt to walk back their servitude to Trump, they will forever be known to me as the American Fascist Party - headed by the likes of Mitch McConnell who is a neo-fascist who refuses to the follow the rules. It is headed by Kevin McCarthy, who refuses to acknowledge the outcome of a free and fair election, and Lindsey Graham, who is now seeking to have votes in Georgia discounted because those people didn't vote for das Fuhrer Trump.

It is with great shame, that I as an American who actually believed in the propaganda that this was the greatest democracy on earth, now see it all unravelling before my eyes and to see that it is my fellow Americans that are allowing it and making it possible by re-electing corrupt and despicable people like Graham, McCarthy, Cruz, Cornyn, McConnell and others who have sold their belief system away for this vile loser in the White House. SHAME on AMERICA!!!


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