Monday, June 13, 2022

I call BS on Gohmert!

Louie Gohmert, one of the sorriest excuses for a U.S. House of Representatives member from Texas, went on a rant during a recent hearing on gun reform, claiming that he was outraged by the fact that some Democrats said Republicans are siding with the gunmen in these all-to-common shootings. 

Gohmert asked his follow members of the committee: Do you think we have no hearts? Let me answer for them. NOOO! He was upset because some Democrats said that "(Republicans) put our right to kill over other's right to live." Let me answer that one also: Absolutely True. And then he goes on about some non-sensical talking point about how cities are the most dangerous places and that they are all run by Democrats: I call BS on that on both counts (evidence below).  

Mr. Gohmert. It would be easier to believe that you are not complicit in murder if you passed some common-sense gun reforms, and let's be real, you have never done that. Spare me your thoughts and prayers, because they are even less genuine than you. I welcome prayers for the families when they are genuine, but at this point it is a Republican punchline that I'm sure is shared at NRA conventions. 

If you said, maybe we could raise the age to 21 for someone to buy a weapon of mass murder. That would be better. Maybe if you supported a background check that was standard across the country for anyone selling a gun, that would be better. Maybe if you put a ban on assault rifles, maybe than I could believe you, but you support none of those things. So, I am inclined to believe that you are here to make sure the gunmen can get a deadly war weapon the day he turns 18 and shoot up a school, church, nightclub, movie theatre, workplace, concert, supermarket, Walmart, synagogue. Is that enough or should I continue?

Then he says that all cities are controlled by Democrats. Lie. Numerous cities with high murder rates are being run by Republican mayors. Other ones that are being run by Democrats, just like their Republican mayorial counterparts, have little control over the inflow of guns into their states because although the gun laws are extremely strict in a place like Illinois, they are incredibly lax in all the surrounding states which allows criminals and gangs to send gunrunners into neighboring states to purchase all the illegal weapons that drug money can buy and bring it back to Illinois. I'm using Illinois because Chicago is in Mr. Gohmert's talking points. I saw him reading it off the screen in front of him. 

Here are the facts related to gun violence, of the top 15 states in America with the highest per-capita murder rate as a result of a gun, the top 13 are red states (Republican states) run by Republican governors and Republican legislatures.

Want some more Mr. Gohmert, or are you ready to cry uncle? Although, they blame gun violence on the pandemic, in 2017, nearly 40,000 Americans died as a result of gun violence - a 50-year high. That is a gun death every 13 minutes. Do the math. I believe government in 2017 was completely controlled by Republican authoritarians (President, Senate and House). True Statement.    

I included the list for Mr. Gohmert to view when he has a free second from being a blowhard bullshit artist. And anyone else can take a look as well. The states with the highest number of gun deaths, are, surprise, surprise, the states with the most guns. Shocking!

Per-Capita murder rate by state

So now all the lawmakers are doing a jig because they have a tentative framework on some gun reforms, that should drop that number from 40,000 per year, down to 39,500. Maybe they should pass something that means something or be voted out.

Here are the highlights of this so called "gun" reform bill. 

I will start with the one thing in it that means something. Including people who have domestic violence arrests and restraining orders on the national background check. This will help keep some people alive, especially domestic violence victims.

They are going to make an 18-year-old wait a couple of days before he can buy his AR-15's now. Meaningless. Ban them or raise the age. 

Financial incentives to get states to pass red flag laws. Red states will not do that. Meaningless. 

More money for mental health. Could be beneficial if used right, and Abott in Texas actually applies it to mental health. He cut hundreds of millions of dollars from mental health last year. Another BS artist. 

If you are waiting for the rest, then you will be waiting a long time because that is basically it.   


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