Friday, June 24, 2022

State's rights = federal abortion ban???

I was forced to do something today that I do not even wish on my worst enemies, I had to watch hours of FOX "News" to see how they were indoctrinating the clones. 

Predictably, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson were framing this ruling by the Supreme Court today ending 49-years of abortion precedent by overturning Roe v. Wade 6-3 (strictly party lines), as no big deal. All this is going to do, they said, is throw this issue back to the states and the voters will get to decide. Hey Hannity, do not piss on my head and telling me it's raining.

Carlson went on to say that if you have abortion in your state that will not be threatened if that's how you want to live. I call BS on that as well. 

Here is the reality, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, the fascists at the head of the Republican/ American Fascist Party, have both indicated that a national abortion ban is possible. Believe them when they say it. It is what they are planning for the start of 2023 if they retake power. 

In March, after the draft opinion of the Supreme Court was leaked, Mitch McConnell told USA Today, that "if the leaked opinion became the final opinion, legislative bodies - not only at the state level but at the federal level - certainly could legislate in that area ... and if this were the final decision, that is the point ... so yeah, (a federal ban) is possible." 

This part should not be lost, "at the FEDERAL level."

Today McCarthy, flanked by his brownshirts in Congress, held a press conference about this ruling, and how he was already looking into two bills, either banning or limiting severely, abortion with no restrictions at the Federal level. He took a total of three questions, and when the questions started getting tough, he ended the presser by praying for all Americans. Let's hope he didn't forget the 40,000+ who will die as a result of his GOP's lax gun policies. Prolife?

The one resounding theme I heard all night long on the Republican/Fascist news network was Laura Inghram chiming in that all this does it kick it back to the states until it is decided by an election. 

So we need to conclude by explaining the history of state's rights in this country. State's rights has always been a vehicle for the wealthy minority to rule the poorer and less-connected majority. 

State's rights were used to defend slavery. When abolitionists called for the end of slavery, southern states used state's rights arguments to say they had the right to own slaves. 

State's rights were used again as a defense/justification for segregation. Southern states who came up with Jim Crow laws and Segregation policies, said the 10th Amendment made it possible for each state to write its own laws about busing, water fountains, schools, restaurants and other public accommodations because none of that was specified in the Constitution.

Beyond being a way to keep black folks in check, it has also been used to keep women in their appropriate station in society. State's rights were used as a defense when it came to disenfranchise women at the ballot box. The first state to give women the vote was Wyoming in 1890, but it would be 30 years before women would be given full enfranchisement in 1920.

As long as voting rights for women was a state's rights issue, they would be given voting rights, but not in Presidential elections because that was a federal election. So as other states after Wyoming gave women the vote, it was limited to only certain elections.

State's rights were used as the reason for Southern states to secede from the Union in 1861, starting the bloodiest conflict in American history. 

State's rights have always been, and will always be, like the filibuster and the Senate at large, a means for giving the wealthy minority the power over the majority of the country.


93 percent of the country believes abortion should be legal when the life of the mother is at risk

70 percent of the country believes Roe v. Wade should not have been overturned

67 percent of the country believes abortion should be legal in cases of rape or incest     

Again, state's rights is being used as a means for 1/3 of the country to tell the other 2/3 what bans they have to live by. Where is the democracy in that? 

These theocratic fascists will keep imposing their will on you until you remove them from every office in the land. Make no mistake, if they regain power in 2022, abortion will be banned nationally and the other rights will fall like dominos 

A. Contraception

B. Gay Marriage

C. Interracial Marriage

Mark my words, no precedent is safe as long as these fascists remain in control!  

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