The Fascist religious right in this country has stepped over the final line, and anyone currently living in the United States on June 24, 2022 is living in a right-wing fascist theocracy, meaning a government run by religion and unscrupulous "religious" leaders.
The United States Supreme Court, infused by three justices rammed onto the court by the second worst world leader in recent world history, Donald Trump, overturned a 49-year precedent today, which stripped away the rights of half the population in the United States because, in the justice's opinions, women are not really citizens and can't be trusted to make decisions related to their own bodies.
This fascist right-wing theocratic court, formerly known as the Supreme Court of the United States, voted 6-3 (along party lines) to overturn the rights guaranteed to women in the 1973 ruling, Roe v. Wade.
Apparently, while SCOTUS was eager to make us all into religious citizens of a theocracy, they forgot that the separation of church and state is also guaranteed to all of us who live in this country. This ruling is a ruling that will force the entire country to live by the court's Christain religious views.
Jews, Muslims, Agnostics, Atheists, Hindus, etc., in this country should be very afraid, because this fascist theocratic mob is coming for you! Same-sex marriage rights are in peril, the right of interracial couples to marry is again in doubt, the right to contraception is in peril, as well as due process. They might as well have poured gasoline on the United States Constitution and lit it on fire.
Justice Samuel Alito, one of the head fascists on the court, in his written opinion basically pissed on the 14th Amendment of the Constitution by saying that because abortion wasn't specified in the original text of the constitution, then it is not a right. Well keep this in mind, in the original text of the Constitution, black folks were considered property or 3/5th's of a person.
It is insane to say or believe that if something was not specifically delineated in a 200-plus-year-old document, then it can't be a right. The founders could not have anticipated our modern society in their wildest of imaginations, so how can we read the Constitution strictly as it was written in the late 1700s.
If you have diluted yourselves into believing that other rights besides abortion are not on the chopping block, then you have not been watching this fascist, theocratic court operate. They can ban any law in any state, overturn any right, and rewrite rules for themselves, thus eliminating the powers of the other two branches of government.
Forget about prolife and prochoice. This decision has nothing to do with that. This has everything to do with the SCOTUS using its authority to rule the country with an iron fist!!!!
But in case you still believe that this is about abortion. Here are the facts:
People who claim to be prolife are actually just pro birth. They do not care at all what happens to these children after they come out of the womb. Need proof? Fine, the same so-called pro-lifers are against food stamps for poor children, they recently opposed extending the child tax credit so children do not starve or have a place to live. They oppose child care assistance provided by the government, which would help parents go to work to provide for these children. They are against health care for all children because they support only health care for children whose parents can "afford" it, which is almost no one. EVERY time one of these things comes before Congress, the right wing theocrats in this country oppose it. So they do not care about children. That is the biggest load of dung ever perpetrated on the American public.
The same fascist death cult that is "pro" life also believes that we should have as many guns for killing others as possible on the streets and they are ardent supporters of the death penalty, which when applied incorrectly, can not be undone. PRO BIRTHERS are full of SHIT!
This is why voting is so important because when you vote in people like Mitch McConnell, and brain-dead idiots like Trump, who just go along with what the McConnell and other fascist theocrats like Ted Cruz and Mike Lee want, you get this gross version of what used to be the highest court in the land.
The seat currently filled by Neil Gorsuch was stolen by McConnell. He refused to seat President Barack Obama's pick in 1000-percent violation of the United States Constitution. Remember, he said he was not going to appoint Obama's pick because we were in an election year. Then when Ruth Bader Ginsburg died a month before the election in 2020, all of the sudden, that hypocrite forced pastor Amy Coney Barrett onto the Supreme Court to insure this outcome.
SCOTUS, along with our democracy, was highjacked by these craven power-hungry fascists and this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you do not vote blue in 2022, we will never have a free and fair election again, as this court will allow your voting rights, especially the voting rights of blacks to be stripped from them. You can expect the rights of millions more Americans will be stripped away unceremoniously as they continue to urinate on the Constitution and tear it to shreds. I have never been more convinced of anything in my life.
For the love of our country, VOTE!
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